Brass Art


Brass Art is Chara Lewis, Kristin Mojsiewicz and Anneke Pettican, based in Manchester, Glasgow and Huddersfield, UK.

Our old website can still be accessed here- 

Brass Art

this voice; this life; this procession (2024)

Video still: Brass Art (2024)

2-channel video comprised of LiDAR data and Kinect capture, colour and monochrome, with sound. 13 mins

this voice; this life; this procession was developed after visiting Virginia Woolf’s writing shed at Rodmell in Sussex. Public access to her writing shed is limited to a viewing window, but Brass Art were permitted access to scan themselves inside this intimate, creative space and surrounding garden using non-invasive, laser-based technologies, over the course of a single winter’s day.

In this voice; this life; this procession, Woolf’s own creative approach and writing strategies - streams of consciousness, atemporality, defamiliarization - are used in the transmission of fluid and speculative ideas. Working with electroacoustic composer Annie Mahtani, incidental sound recordings, made by the artists at Monk’s House, were used as inspiration for manipulated and processed recordings of cellophane which Mahtani used to create a rich soundscape to highlight the thresholds and temporal shifts captured through the touch of light.